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LLM Comparison

Learn about our 12+ LLMs

This is a snapshot of the popular LLMs that are available on the Hatz AI platform. Please note that the context window and max output token limits are approximate and not always accurate, depending on the type of request and other factors.

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  • The smallest unit of data that an LLM processes
  • Usually about 3/4 of a word

Context Window

  • The segment of text that an AI model considers at any given moment when processing or generating language
  • You can think of this as the size of the input
  • If you upload a file (PDF, PNG, XLSX, etc) that is below the 30MB limit, but it is larger than the context window for the selected LLM, the request will fail. Try switching to a larger model, like Gemini

Knowledge Cutoff Date

  • The date that the LLM stopped "learning" new information. If you ask GPT 3.5 Turbo about an event that happened yesterday, it will not have that data
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